Keyword Research Made Easy

Find relevant, low competition keywords for your website, blog or business. Find Low Competition Keywords in Any Niche.

Keyword Research Made Easy

Bulk Keyword Difficulty Checker – Search Volume & CPC – Accurate Keyword Difficulty Scores

Our keyword tool gives you multiple ways to find related, niche relevant keywords in any niche. Just put in a seed keyword and Keysearch will return hundreds of related keywords with search volume, CPC & PPC data. Refine your search with our Related Keywords, Google Suggest, Amazon Suggest, YouTube Suggest finders and our own database of over 1 billion keywords. Now if that’s still not enough, you can even enter your competitors URL and have Keysearch grab keywords that your competitors are ranking for, giving you endless ways to search for hidden gem long tail keywords. Did I mention our YouTube research section & advanced filtering options? SEO just became much easier.

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